【同义词辨析】 2020-10-21 结构structure-skeleton

structure: the most general term, refers to any whole, natural or artificial, material or immaterial, and may be used specifically of the parts or arrangements that give a whole its characteristic form or nature: studied the ~ of the atom.   structure有2个意思 1、结构,指各组成部分以及它们之间是如何布置组织的,即它们之间的关系refers to the parts of something or the way in which the parts of something are put together, arranged or organized,如the structure of the building/plant/family/economy建筑物/植物/家庭/经济结构, 中美争议之一是经济结构问题structual economic problems指政府私企国企外企之间的布置安排,即他们之间的关系, the novel lacks structure小说结构不清晰,是指not properly arranged or organized组织安排地不好,又如she structured the novel chronologically她按时间顺序安排组织小说情节,这里作动词 2、结构体简称结构,指建造出来的独立个体refers to something that is built by putting parts together and that usually stands on its own, such as a house, bridge, etc. ,如a brick/steel structure一个砖/钢结构)         词根STRUCT表示建造构造to build, arrange, put together,如a structure is something that is constructed, ---that is, built or put together结构体是被建造出来的物体,instructions tell how the pieces should be arranged指令告诉人们如何布置各组成部分,obstruction is a barrier that is built in your way障碍是建造出来挡路的,destruction往下建造即毁灭, infrastructure底层建筑即基础设施instrument是用来建造的东西: 工具乐器

anatomy: applies principally to the structure of an organism or any of its parts: the ~ of the heart; but is likely to stress examination of parts and study of their relation to a whole: described the ~ of a political campaign.   (如we took a class in/on anatomy我们上解剖课,human anatomy and physiology人类解剖学和生理学,如an anatomy of the current recession/nationalism对当前经济衰退的/民族主义的剖析

framework: is used chiefly with reference to an artificial supporting construction that serves as a prop or guide but is not visible in the finished whole: the ~ of a sofa.      (本例表示沙发支架架构,又如the building's steel framework房屋的钢架构,但framework更多表示抽象的架构,如the framework of society/family社会/家庭架构指社会/家庭的基本结构implies the basic structure of society/family,如framework for understanding politics用来理解政治的架构指一些基础知识,application framework应用程序框架或架构,提供了应用软件开发所需要的基本功能)

skeleton: applies to the bony framework of the animal body: found only the ~ of a mouse; or may imply either a carefully developed and articulated design or a sketchy conception of the whole that serves as a starting point: roughed out the ~ of the novel.      (又如the skeleton of the report报告概要=the basic structure of the report,通常说的骨干是the skeleton staff/crew骨干员工/成员,指完成一件任务所需要的最少人员)

structure结构: 泛指事物的组成部分及其布局,无论该事物天然人造有形无形,anatomy生物构造解刨学剖析: 指有机体的结构,还指剖析分析,framework架构框架: 指支架等基础结构,用于支撑引导,外部不可见,skeleton骨架: 指骨质架构,或作为基础出发点的设计构思

记忆方法: 1)首字母SAFS排列成FASS发音像方式<==结构       ""是会意字,从木加声。表示加木搭设,本义是1、"搭起支撑",如架桥架设架空架不住 2、可作名词,如支;还表示3、争吵殴打劫持,如吵架打架绑架     ""是形声兼会意字,从木冓声,勾是古人对冓的简写,上边两个"木"字,下边是"再",表示"以木相加材木相乗",木勾合用表示1、本义"架木造屋",如构筑架构构造 2、引申为"结成组合",如构思构想虚构构图。   "结"(mi)从,本义是"用线绳草等条状物将兵器绑起来"


3)结构的意思是事物的组成部分以及它们的布置方式mean the parts of or the arrangement of parts in a whole.     (arrange布置安排to set in a fit, suitable, or right sequence or relationship即放置到恰当的序列或关系中,如a bouquet of elaborately arranged flowers一束精心布置的鲜花,如to arrange a meeting安排一个会议 )   whole整体,和组成部分part对应